SoftwareReviews Report

Untangle NG Firewall Ranked #1

User Reviews Show NG Firewall Comes Out On Top

Recently, SoftwareReviews released their 2021 Next Generation Firewall – Midmarket Data Quadrant Report announcing Untangle as a Leader and Gold Medalist.

Reviewers Gave Us the Highest Composite Score and Likeliness to Recommend

We are driven to take the complexity out of network security and connect people and businesses to the internet safely with a single, modular platform. Yet, we found ourselves up against tough competition and coming out on top:

Report Includes Top Vendors:

  • Untangle NG Firewall
  • Cisco Meraki Firewall
  • SonicWall Firewalls
  • Cato Next Generation Firewall
  • Barracuda CloudGen Firewall

Our customers recognize that choosing the right network security partner creates value for their business:

Business Value Created

They know we’re here for them when they need us:

Vendor Support

A Next Generation Firewall is crucial infrastructure for your network and our NG Firewall tops the leaderboard in all essential next-gen firewall features:

Virtual Private Network

Web Content Filtering

Application Control

Advanced Threat Protection

Don’t take our word for it, check out the full report to find out why Untangle is a leader in the Next Generation Firewall data quadrant.

Disclaimer: The graphic(s) was/were published by SoftwareReviews as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The data in this report is collected from real end users, verified, analyzed, and visualized in easy-to-understand charts and graphs. Each product is compared and contrasted with all other vendors in their category to create a holistic, unbiased view of the product landscape.