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Network Security Entering No-Content Era

Firewalls have changed a great deal over the past 20 years. Originally, firewalls were just a simple set of rules to do packet filtering. Though they were not designed to deal with many of the problems that came later, firewalls are still a useful and necessary tool in the security arsenal. Soon administrators needed to […]

Ransomware in the spotlight: How to guard against attack

Is there anything more frightening than being locked out of your most important and sensitive files? This is just the reality that a number of individual users and businesses have dealt with recently due to the growing threat of ransomware. Ransomware infections have been on our collective radars for a few years now, and as hackers […]

4 Resolutions You Can Make to Secure Your Network in the New Year

2017 is almost upon us, and now is the time for IT leaders and network administrators to take a hard look at their technology resources. As this year comes to a close, it’s an opportune moment to take stock of what has worked in the past, what hasn’t and what changes should be made as […]

What should school districts know about CIPA compliance?

Technological advancements including mobile devices, intelligent software and other learning tools are changing the way educators teach and shifting the way students participate in their own education. As institutions continue to add more innovative endpoints and platforms, it’s important that they also consider the requirements of the Children’s Internet Protection Act. CIPA is critical for […]

3 Network Horror Stories that Keep IT Up at Night

Any horror fan knows that the best – not to mention most bone-chilling – stories are always rooted in truth. The same is true for network attacks and breaches, which help to paint painful lessons for any company’s IT department. These are the frightening real-life tales that keep IT workers up at night, contemplating the […]

4 Scariest Threats to your Network

It’s that time of year again: Children dress up in costume, adults adorn their houses with spooky decorations and it’s simply fun to be a little scared. And while this spirit of ghouls, ghosts and goblins surrounds us during the fall, there’s nothing fun about threats to your company’s network. This asset literally forms the […]

Illinois Election System Breached

This election cycle has provided more than a few noteworthy headlines. Some of the most recent, however, don’t comment on the candidates, but rather provide a real-life lesson in cybersecurity preparedness. State and federal officials confirmed that Illinois’ state voter system had been breached earlier this year. Worse still, the Prairie State wasn’t the only […]

How hospitals can get control over their sprawling networks

Hospitals are more commonly embracing digitalization and the benefits of our increasingly connected world. Whether due to pressure from government regulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or the ongoing goal to improve patient care, the health care industry’s investment in IT and network technology has risen significantly as of late. According […]

Top 3 features that hotels need in their network security solution

Recently, there has been considerable attention surrounding the issue of network security at hotels and resorts. These networks have been notoriously insecure, particularly in the eyes of travelers who have heard horror stories about public, unprotected Wi-Fi at hospitality institutions. Now, however, it’s time for this industry to do better. Many decision-makers are seeking solutions […]

School’s in session, but is your network ready?

For students, teachers, administrators and others involved in the education sector, this season means one thing: back to school. As parents make efforts to prepare their children to return to classes, educators are working to ensure that the school and its resources are ready for the months ahead. And one of the most important assets […]